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Do You Need Support?

Pastoral Support

If you are finding life hard for any reason, then we are able to support you in these ways: 
  • If you would like a phone buddy, call or email the church office.

Financial Support

St Patrick’s Church Compassion Fund: It is likely that because of, COVID-19, the fuel crisis, or any number of pressing life issues, some members of our church family will face times of considerable financial hardship.  The St Patrick’s Compassion Fund is aimed at facilitating us to support one of our church family financially when they fall on hard times, and to be able to do so in a confidential way.  We have tried our best to make the the application process as simple as possible.  You can see a flow chart here: Application Process

More information about the fund as well as an application form can be found here: Alternatively, application forms can be obtained from Rachel in the office.  If you need support in making an application, please speak to your group leader, a member of the PCC, staff team or call the careline.