Electoral Roll
The Electoral Roll of St Patrick’s Church is to be revised this year in time for the Annual Parochial Church Meetings (APCM) due to be held on Sunday 18th May 2025. The meeting starts at 5.15pm in the Church.
St Pat’s church members need to join the church Electoral Roll to hold any position on St Patrick’s Parochial Church Council (PCC) or to vote at the APCM.
You are eligible to join the Electoral Roll if:
you live within the parish boundary of St Patrick’s Church
you have been a regular attender of St Patrick’s Church for the last six months even if this has been ‘virtually’ joining our Sunday services.
Please complete an Electoral Roll Enrolment Form and return it to the Church Office.
The closing date for the Renewal of the Electoral Roll is the 13th April 2025, and will be available to view on Sunday 4th May 2025.